Theological & Ministry Based eBooks
Books in this resource may be previously published or unpublished, covering a wide range of Theologically based topics.
MASTER'S OPEN SOURCE (MOS) is a free repository of dissertations, doctoral writing projects, articles, books Bible courses, video resources, and book listings by students, graduates, faculty, administrators, and adjunct faculty of the University. In keeping with the meaning and purpose of open educational resources, there is no charge or reimbursement to the authors or users.
Disclaimer: Master's International University of Divinity attempts to provide only Biblically and academically credible open resource content. However, in keeping with the spirit of open educational resources, the University does not assume responsibility for theological, philosophical or sociological content to which some might object. Responsibility for content rests solely with the authors. Authors retain full copyright privileges, and appropriate attribution is expected.
The MOS is a new project and is currently under construction. Resources provided may be used freely with attribution as appropriate. Additional resources will be added regularly as part of the initial rollout. After that, resources will be added as they become available.
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BIBLICAL DIRECTIONISM: A Biblical Approach to Counseling Methodology. Dennis D. Frey, M.Div., Th.D.
A Practical Guide to Manuscript Production, Robert G. Witty, Ph.D.
Bible Believer's Israel Tour Journal, James Solberg, M.Div., D.D., Dennis Frey, M.Div. D.Min.
THE BIBLE: Fact or Fiction, Robert G. Witty
The Book of Revelation Explained Simply, Robert G. Witty, Ph.D.
Basics of Law Enforcement Chaplaincy, Dale F. Hansen, Ph.D.
Unlocking the Mysteries of Human Life, Death, Destiny, Robert G. Wtty, Ph.D.
A Counselor's Guide to Helping the Woman of Trauma, Trudy M. Johnson, M.A., Ph.D.
Counselor's Companion the Guardian Angel, Cheryl A, Durham, Ph.D.
The Role of Torah in the Thought of Paul, Cheryl A. Durham
Whirled Views and Woeful Witness Getting to the Heart of Ineffective Christians, Cheryl A. Durham, Ph.D.
Christian Decision Making, Howard A. Eyrich, Th.M, D, Min.
Comparative Analysis of Biblical Theology and Humanistic Psychology, Dennis D. Frey, M.Div., Th.D.
Never Sorry: Confronting Perennial Theological Challenges With Apologetics, Frederick Meekins, Ph.D.
Scanners Set To Discernment: An Evangelical Appraisal of Extraterrestrials, Frederick Meekins, Ph.D.
Tenor Of The Times: Reflections Upon The People & Ideas Influencing The World In Which We Live, Frederick Meekins, Ph.D.
Who Am I? A Short Story for Children & Adults, Janet Fisher, Th.D.
Introducing the God of the Bible, J. Roy Stover, D.D.
The Day of the Lord, J.Roy Stover, D.D.
Prolegomena of The Unexplained, Frederick Meekins, Ph.D.
Casting Shadows at Midnight: Poems, Musings, and Writings of a Crisis Chaplain, Rickey Hargrave, D.D.
Faith Works, William Anderson Gittens, D.D.
The Conscious Obligation, William Anderson Gittens, D.D.
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