
MASTER'S OPEN SOURCE (MOS) is a free repository of Theologically based educational resources produced by students, graduates, faculty, administrators, and adjunct faculty of the University. In keeping with the meaning and purpose of open educational resources, there is no charge or reimbursement to the authors or users.

Terms & Conditions: Master's International University of Divinity attempts to provide only Biblically and academically credible open resource content. However, in keeping with the spirit of open educational resources, the University does not assume responsibility for theological, philosophical or sociological content to which some might object. Responsibility for content rests solely with the authors. Authors retain full copyright privileges, and appropriate attribution is expected.   All contributions are voluntary.  MIUD reserves the right to decline content contributions, and contributors reserve the right to request that their content be removed.



  • doctoral dissertations,
  • doctoral writing projects,
  • Theologically based articles,
  • Theologically, Bible, Christian theme-based books as a digital document or a title only,

authored by students, graduates, faculty, adjunct faculty, administrators and staff of Master's International University of Divinity.

HELPFUL HINT: Digital documents originally saved in  a Word-type format can be easily converted to PDF by selecting "Save As" and selecting "PDF."

NOTE:  If you are submitting ONLY THE TITLE of a book you have published, you may ignore the file upload instructions, and include as many titles as you wish.  If you are submitting the PDF file of a book, we will assume that you have full publication rights.  If you are unsure, we strongly recommend that you consult with your book publisher.

Submit only one file at a time. All files must be in PDF format only.

You can also support Master's Open Source project financially by making a
voluntary tax-deductible gift of any amount using our safe online system.

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Financial contributions are strictly voluntary, and will not favor or disfavor your content submission.

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