MIUD reputation

About Our Reputation

MIUD (founded on March 30, 1999) is recognized as a credible institution of Biblical higher education that has chosen to avoid the financial, programmatic, and administrative liabilities of accreditation.  We have elected instead to invest our credibility in reasonably priced high-quality programmatic academics while maintaining close affinity and cooperation with the following movements: Biblical inerrancy, Biblical counseling, Biblical scientific creation, Christians supporting Israel, the National, and World Evangelical community, and the Pro-Life movement. We maintain collegial and articulation agreements with other like-minded institutions and ministry organizations. These relationships help to ensure a respected level of institutional excellence, while at the same time keeping our tuition well within the reach of most men and women in ministry. This makes it possible for our students to graduate without the burden of tuition debt.

We have earned a reputation as an innovator and leader in ministry education. Having enrolled over 12,000 students, and with nearly 3,000 graduates, MIUD is making a significant contribution to Christ-centered and Bible-based theological distance education, while advancing the evangelical worldview. Our academic and Biblical integrity is well documented in our history and reflected in our recognition.  Admission policies and program completion requirements at MIUD are similar to those of other credible institutions of Biblical higher education. 

It is common for high-quality theological distance education institutions to be asked questions similar to this: “Your school has such a good reputation, well-qualified faculty, great programs, and very reasonable tuition. Why are you not accredited?” Well, here is the answer. “We have a good reputation, well-qualified faculty, great programs, and very reasonable tuition without being accredited. If we were accredited, we would have no better faculty and no better programs. Of course, there is one thing that would be significantly different; we would no longer have very reasonable tuition.  That's because tuition would have to be many times greater, and you may not be able to afford it unless you were willing to incur substantial debt.”


Why a Degree From a
Credible High Quality
Unaccredited Institution
May be a Smart Choice.


Credible High-Quality Unaccredited Schools Will Have:

  • A track record of institutional competency.
  • A well-credentialed staff and faculty.
  • An actual facility adequate for the institution's administration, along with an opportunity for prospective students to visit in person before enrolling.
  • Only those programs for which the school has appropriately credentialed faculty.
  • Essentially the same degree program requirements as accredited schools.
  • Tuition and fee structures based upon a per-credit-hour rate.
  • Certifications, partnerships, and agreements with other institutions which serve to demonstrate institutional acceptance and competency.
  • A method by which church boards, mission agencies, denominational leaders, and employers can be assured of the legitimacy and academic rigor of the institution.

If the above criteria are met, the prospective student may have confidence that the unaccredited institution is worthy of further consideration.


  • Already serving in Christian ministry who desire to upgrade or improve their education.
  • Desiring to enter Christian ministry, and serve through an independent local church or denomination that does not require a degree from a specific institution.
  • Serving through a para-church ministry.
  • Serving through a personal independent ministry.
  • Serving in a lay ministry capacity, and who wish to be better educated.
  • Desiring to use previously earned credits to complete an unfinished ministry degree.
  • Who desires to be better educated in Biblical studies.


Practically speaking, considering the state of the world economy, and the potential value of higher education, earning a Christian ministry degree from a high-quality unaccredited institution may be a winner in every way.

If it is the purpose of the student to learn, and therefore be better equipped to serve with greater effectiveness, then earning a certificate or degree from a top-echelon unaccredited Christian institution could be a wise investment of time and money.

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DISCLAIMER: Owing to the unique nature of individual circumstances, prospective students should carefully consider whether a degree from a high-quality unaccredited or an accredited school is best for their needs. There are situations where only a degree from an accredited school will meet educational requirements (such as serving in the Chaplaincy of the U.S. Armed Forces, ordination in some denominations, and various institutional positions). In many other circumstances, a degree from a high-quality unaccredited institution may serve just as well providing it is as academically rigerous as degrees of the same type earned at similar accredited institutions.

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