A few thoughts on beginning a ministry program, and measuring our days...
“Well, how long will it take to finish?”
That's what one of our graduates said to his wife when he was considering enrolling. He thought that was the end of it, until his wife asked him three questions. "Well, how old are you now?" He answered with his age. She then asked, "Well, how long do you think it will take to finish?" He said, about three years. Finally, she asked him, "Well how old will you be in three years?" He gave her a blank stare. She repeated her last question. That's when he said the proverbial lights came on. He realized that whether he enrolled or not, the same amount of time would pass, but if he did not enroll, it would pass without him accomplishing his goal. That was a true measure of his days.
"I don't know where I would find the time to study."
A church staff member called the school to inquire about a program. After a few minutes of discussion, she remarked that she was beginning to think that she would probably not be able to find the time to study. Our team member asked her a series of questions: "Do you use email?" "Do you have a social media account?" "Do you use your phone for texting, and sending pictures?" To each of these, she answered "Yes." Finally, she was asked, "What is your favorite TV program?" She replied, but then asked the point of those questions. Our staff member replied - "Because in each one of your answers, you have just found the time to study." That was a true measure of her days.
"With so many free Bible study options online, I don't see why I need to pay for a formal study program?"
We have heard this many times, and there really is a lot of information online (both good and bad). Word studies, history, commentaries, sermon helps and teaching outlines abound. But, easy access to so much information can foster intellectual dependence. On the other hand, a structured learning program stretches the mind, encourages discipline, and results in measurable outcomes. The diploma earned in not just a piece of paper, it is a powerful peer reviewed testament validating a mature and honorable personal achievement that can be earned in no other way. And of infinitely greater importance is what happens to the mind and heart when we spend time in a structured Christ-centered, and Bible-based study of the Word and works of Almighty God.
That can become a true measure of your days - both now and for eternity.
A few Biblical thoughts on measuring our days...
"LORD, make me to know mine end, and the measure of my days,
what it is; that I may know how frail I am" (Psalm 39:4).
"We must work the works of Him who sent Me as long as it is day;
night is coming when no one can work" (John 9:4).
"Whatever you do, do your work heartily, as for the Lord rather than for men,
knowing that from the Lord you will receive the reward of the inheritance.
It is the Lord Christ whom you serve" (Colossians 3:23, 24).
“So teach us to number our days, that we may apply our hearts unto wisdom” (Psalm 90:12).
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