The MIUD model expressed here reflects a small administrative footprint, but a large educational outcome. To emphasize the point, We encourage you to see for yourself what our small administrative footprint has accomplished over the past 25+ years. Review the information below to see the list of church groups. geographical locations, and schools previously attended by our more than 2,000 graduates. It's truly amazing!
Evangelical Protestant
Fellowship of Christian Assemblies
Foursquare Gospel
Free Methodist
Free Will Baptist
Friends (Quakers)
Full Gospel (multiple groups)
Fundamental Baptist
General Baptist
Grace Brethren
Great Commission Association of Churches
Independent (multiple groups)
Independent Baptist
Independent Evangelical
Jewish (Messianic)
Living Word Fellowship
Methodist (multiple groups)
Missionary Church
Missionary Baptist
National Baptist
North American Baptist
Orthodox (Greek)
Orthodox Presbyterian Church
Pentecostal (multiple groups)
Pentecostal Apostolic
Pentecostal Church of God
Pentecostal Holiness Church
Plymouth Brethren
Presbyterian (PCA)
Presbyterian (USA)
Primitive Baptist
Reformed Baptist
Reformed Church
Reformed Church in Africa
Roman Catholic
Salvation Army
Seventh Day Adventist
Southern Baptist
The Wesleyan Church
United Church Of Christ
United Full Gospel Church of America
United Methodist
United Missionary Baptist Church
United Reformed Church
*This is an accurate listing, but does not constitute an endorsement of or by any of the church groups or academic institutions.
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Christian Education Enterprises, Inc. founded 9/15/1979.
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