The Online Master of Divinity Standard Degree is Designed for the mature individual who is strongly interested in a deep and comprehensive program in Bible, Church History, New Testament Language, and Theology.
Students enroll in only one Component at a time. Following the completion of a Component, the student enrolls for the next Component until each of the three are completed. This method helps the student to better manage tuition cost.
Individuals who have an uncompleted M.Div., M.Th., or similar Bible/Theology graduate degree from an approved institution may qualify for the M.Div. Completion Program.
The M.Div. Standard Program:
Component One (see course descriptions below):
Orientation MOR
Evidence for Biblical Inerrancy BI-501
Advanced Old Testament I AOT-501
Advanced New Testament I ANT-501
Systematic Theology I ST-501
Biblical Apologetics BA-501
Church History CH-501
Your Choice Approved Elective
Bible Mastery BM-501
Component Two:
Spiritual Warfare SW-501
Church Administration CA-501
Systematic Theology II ST-502
Philosophy of Ministry PH-501
Communication for Growth II CG-501
Greek Word Studies for the Pastor GWS-1500*
Hebrew Word Studies for the Pastor HWS-1500*
Advanced Biblical Directionism Counseling I BD-501
Your Choice Approved Elective
Component Three:
Advanced Counseling Theology I AT-501
Biblical Preaching and Personal Holiness BP-501
Roots and Origins of American Law AL-501
The Philosophical Problem of Evil PPOE-1510
Ethics for Christian Leaders - An Introduction - ECLI-1510
Your Choice Approved Elective
Graduate Research and Writing GRW-500
Graduate Writing Project GWP-500
*Biblical Greek & Hebrew requirements may be satisfied by credit transfer from an approved institution.
Component One 31 Credits Core Course Descriptions
Orientation OR-MA
The purpose of this course is to help ensure that the student will begin his or her study program at Master’s with the basic information needed to move successfully toward graduation. For this reason, this course is mandatory of all new students.
Evidence for Biblical Inerrancy BI-501
The purpose of this course is too provide the graduate student with an opportunity to examine the internal evidences for the validity of the Bible as its own source of confirmation of Divine inspiration, and to challenge the student to analyze these internal evidences critically and competently.
Transformational Youth Ministry TYM-501
The purpose of this course is to introduce and expose the student to the study of Youth ministry as a calling and a life of service so that he/she acquires a deeper knowledge of youth ministry, and is able to identify and describe the essential principles for transforming youth to be the leaders now and tomorrow.
Advanced Old Testament I AOT-501
This course will lead the student to carefully examine the various interpretive options in Old Testament studies from the Book of Genesis through the Song of Solomon; to relate critically his/her own commitment to Scripture in light of those options; to demonstrate a coherent understanding of the Old Testament that reflects the student’s ability to analyze character studies, historical development, and sound interpretation of the text.
Advanced New Testament ANT-501
This course will lead the student to carefully examine the various interpretive options in the New Testament study of the Gospels and Acts of the Apostles; to relate critically his/her own commitment to Scripture in light of those options; to demonstrate a coherent understanding that reflects the student’s ability to analyze and integrate character studies, historical development, and sound interpretation of the text.
Systematic Theology I ST-501
This advanced level course presents the student with the fundamental issues of Systematic Theology and how these relate to the Bible as a foundational source.
Biblical Apologetics BA-501
The purpose of this course is to develop the student’s understanding of the requisite issues in the study of Apologetics; to enable the student to identify key terms and describe essential issues of Apologetics and to apply Apologetic methodology to contemporary challenges; to offer the student the opportunity to explore significant challenges to the Christian faith and apologetic responses to those challenges; to examine and analyze the competing truth claims of rival world views.
Church History CH-501
The purpose of this course is to expose the student to an advanced survey of Church History from the time of the Resurrection to the Present Age, and to enable the student to recognize and identify important Political and Church Leaders who had a major impact on the development and life of the Church.
Bible Mastery BM-501
This course will provide the master’s level student with an opportunity to demonstrate a personal comprehension of the Bible as a continuum from the creation of the current heavens and earth to its recreation in perfection and righteousness.
Elective courses can be selected from either Master's Level Courses or Specialty Courses.
Component Two 27 Credits Core Course Descriptions
Spiritual Warfare SW-501
This course will establish for the student a genuinely biblical study of spiritual warfare within the context of the Christian life so that he or she acquire a basic and introductory knowledge regarding the nature of spiritual warfare, and identify and describe strategies for overcoming the enemy, and to develop the student’s ability to summarize the nature of spiritual warfare and evaluate various strategies for overcoming the enemy.
Church Administration CA-501
The purpose of this course is to introduce and expose students to foundational principles of local administration, so that they acquire a basic and introductory knowledge of these principles and are able to identify and describe them, and explain how they apply to their current ministry/job situation.
Systematic Theology II ST-502
This advanced level course presents the student with specific issues of Systematic Theology as they relate to God and the creation.
Philosophy of Ministry PH-501
This course will introduce and expose the student to the study of Christian ministry as a calling and a life of service so that he or she acquires a basic and introductory knowledge of ministry, and is able to identify and describe the essential principles of Christian ministry in light of biblical data and a personal and professional stance.
Communication for Growth II CG-501
The purpose of this course is to present to the student a biblically-based model of pulpit communication; to bring the student to a higher level of understanding concerning the foundation elements of effective New Testament preaching and teaching.
Biblical Greek I GK-501
A totally redesigned online interactive course that walks the student through the fundamentals of Biblical Greek. This course was developed especially for the adult learner with no background in Biblical Greek.
Biblical Greek II GK-502
Moving beyond the basics, this totally redesigned course focuses on the practical application of Biblical Greek as a tool for exegetical preaching and teaching. The Bible preacher and teacher will especially appreciated the online interactive method which this course employs.
Greek Word Studies for the Pastor / GWS-1500
The purpose of this courses is to provide the Doctoral student an experiential technique for New Testament study based upon the original words of the scriptural text within the cultural setting of the various authors with realization that these words were chosen by the Holy Spirit to communicate the truth of God to the mind of man; thus each word has the stamp of God's authority and must be interpreted correctly.
Hebrew Word Studies for the Pastor / HWS-1500
The purpose of this courses is to the Doctoral student an experiential technique for Old Testament study based upon the original words of the scriptural text within the cultural setting of the various authors with realization that these words were chosen by the Holy Spirit to communicate the truth of God to the mind of man; thus each word has the stamp of God's authority and must be interpreted correctly.
Elective courses can be selected from either Master's Level Courses or Specialty Courses.
Component Three 38 Credits Core Course Descriptions
Advanced Counseling Theology I AT-501
The purpose of this course is to present to the more advanced student to the broader scope of topics in the discipline of Systematic Theology and the relevance of these topics to the work of biblical counseling.
Biblical Preaching and Personal Holiness BP-501
This course focuses on how preaching is effective in leading Christians toward maturity. Messages on Christian growth and sanctification will be modeled, and there will be instructional elements dealing especially with the dynamics of preaching in the local church.
Roots and Origins of American Law AL-501
The purpose of this course is to document that America’s historical record is replete with evidence that the Ten Commandments have directly and indirectly influenced America’s founders, leaders, system of government and legal code.
Graduate Research and Writing GRW-500
The purpose of this course is to provide the graduate student with an opportunity to examine the fundamentals of research and writing from a practical and professional perspective, as a foundation step in preparation for completing the graduate writing project.
Graduate Writing Project GWP-500
This is the final writing project for the master’s student. While similar in many ways to a thesis, it is fundamentally different in that it is designed to be a “ministry” position paper written from a praxis position. Students are prepared for this course by taking the Research and Writing course.
All Components Approved Electives Course Descriptions
Faith and Understanding: An Introduction to Language and Theology ILT-1510
The purpose is to introduce the student to theological thinking with special reference to global theological thought. Further, the purpose will be to examine influences on what we consider ‘our’ theology in relation to historical theological thinking, and to our current globalized Christianity.
Historical Geography in the Holy Land: A Survey of the Holy Land: Geography, Archaeology, Architecture, and History HGH-1500
The purpose of this course is to acquaint the student with the geography of the Holy Land. All of the sites important to the development of the Nation of Israel and the Ministry of Jesus are studied in context with special emphasis on the unique geography of the Holy Land.
Mormonism: Historical, Theological, and Evangelistic Survey MOR- 1510
Course Purpose: Cultured, refined, socially acceptable, educationally skilled, evangelistically engaged, and religiously committed -- these are descriptive of the Mormon faith. The looming question for the evangelical community is: Where does the Mormon religion fit? Is Mormonism another denomination within Christendom or is there another dynamic involved? This course explores answers to these questions historically and theologically with evangelistic application.
Personhood from a Biblical Perspective PH-1502
Course Purpose: To direct the student to a Biblical foundation for understanding God’s idea for personal self-awareness. To lead the student through a Biblical assessment of the so-called “self-esteem” movement. To compare and analyze the prevailing secular attitude regarding self-esteem over against the Scriptural teachings related to these attitudes. To prepare the student to deal with the issue of self-esteem within a Biblical counseling regime.
Restoring Biblical Purity in the Church: Redeeming A Culture On the Brink RBP-1500
The purpose of this course is to explain the history behind the sexual revolution; to expound on the rationale behind the legalization of birth control, abortion and sodomy in America; to identify the difference between the sex education, abstinence, and the purity movements; to research and identify the shift in the Christian churches stance on sex education, population control and sodomy over the last decade; to evaluate the impact of universal acceptance of Kinsey’s fraudulent science on the church, marriage, and children; and to cite examples of how purity can be restored to our homes, church and nation.
Sexual Indoctrination of Children and What the Church Can Do About It SI-1500
This course will enable the student to identify the difference between the sex education, abstinence, and the purity movements. As a result, the student will be able to understand, and explain the history behind the sex education and abstinence movements, and will be able to apply Biblical principles to the instruction of children on God’s Life process.
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