Help Support MIUD Using Our Tax-Deductible Contribution Easy Online Check
Important: If you are a student wishing to make your payment by online check,
please click here.
Save writing your check* and the cost of postage.
Our safe and secure online check form is quick and easy. Plus, there is no extra fee for processing.
* Because of banking regulations, we can accept checks drawn on a U.S. Bank only.
Tip: Consider the
PayPal or
Debit/Credit.Card option
Refer to this check sample to assit you in finding the corrrect information on your own check.
Thank you very much for your wonderful support. You will be hearing from us very soon. May God richly bless you today!
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Thank You for Your Support!
We believe that the more you know about us, the more likely you will be to consider MIUD a worhly investment in the work of the Kingdom until our Lord's return.
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