MACS Biblical Counseling Center and Healthcare Management

Expand Your Ministry Competencies. Complete

Your Master's Degree with MIUD, While at the

Same Time Extending Your Employment

Opportunities by Earning an Accredited 

Professional Certificate from CSU.

Note:  Available to students in the U.S. & Canada only


In Cooperation With 
master's university and columbia southern university seals

Ideal for Biblical Counseling Center Directors, and Biblical Counselors

Designed to give Biblical Counseling Center directors the information necessary to understand current legal issues in related healthcare delivery, and evaluate managerial, organizational, and leadership concepts that may now impact Biblical counseling centers.

This Unique program allows you to earn both your M.A.C.S. from Master's International, and the Graduate Certificate in Healthcare Management from Columbia Southern Concurrently.
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+Biblical Counseling degrees are designed for the exclusive application of Christian ministry, and are not intended to qualify for or meet any secular position, occupation or preparation for licensure examination.


Program Curriculum


  • MOR - Orientation
  • BCCL-1500 Biblical Counselor, Counseling Center, and Law
  • MHA-5001 Health Care Financial Management
  • CG-501 Communication for Growth
  • MHA-5101 Legal Foundations of Health Care
  • PH-501 Philosophy of Ministry
  • MHA-5201 Health Resources and Policy Analysis
  • PH-1502 Personhood from a Biblical Perspective
  • MHA-6501 Advanced Health Care Management
  • HC-1501 Role and Function of a Healthy, Healing Church
  • El-501 Your Choice Approved Elective
  • EL-502 Your Choice Approved Elective


Program Curriculum Total Credit - 35

Master's International University Courses (23 credits)

Columbia Southern University Courses (12 credits)


  • Requires dual enrollment with MIUD and CSU.
  • All courses are completed online. 
  • Affordable tuition payment options available.


More About This Unique Program


Core Course Descriptions

Orientation OR-MA

The purpose of this course is to help ensure that the student will begin his or her study program at Master’s with the basic information needed to move successfully toward graduation. For this reason, this course is mandatory of all new students.

Biblical Counselor, the Counseling Center, and the Law: BCCL-1500

This course is designed to inform the student of the best practices to avoid legal issues in the Biblical Counseling practice. The secondary purpose is to provide the student with the basic information needed to establish a counseling ministry.

Communication for Growth II CG-501

The purpose of this course is to present to the student a biblically-based model of pulpit communication; to bring the student to a higher level of understanding concerning the foundational elements of effective New Testament preaching and teaching.

Philosophy of Ministry PH-501

This course will introduce and expose the student to the study of Christian ministry as a calling and a life of service so that he or she acquires a basic and introductory knowledge of ministry, and is able to identify and describe the essential principles of Christian ministry in light of biblical data and a personal and professional stance.

Personhood from a Biblical Perspective PH-1502

The purpose of this course is to direct the student to a Biblical foundation for understanding God’s idea for personal self-awareness. To lead the student through a Biblical assessment of the so-called “self-esteem” movement. To compare and analyze the prevailing secular attitude regarding self-esteem over against the Scriptural teachings related to these attitudes. To prepare the student to deal with the issue of self-esteem within a Biblical counseling regime.

Role and Function of a Healthy, Healing Church HC-1501

The purpose of this course is to explore the biblical and experiential components that go into developing and leading a local church that is healthy and offers hope and healing to the lost and hurting. A church, just like a family, can be toxic and a hindrance to growth and development or it can be healthy and promote the development and growth of its members. This course will explore the healthy as well as the toxic.

Approved Elective Course Descriptions (Select Two)

Ethics for Christian Leaders - An Introduction ECLI-1510

The purpose of this course is to introduce the student to theories that can be used to approach issues that challenge a Christian leader’s moral mission and witness.

Advanced Biblical Directionism Counseling BD-501

The purpose of this course is to increase the student’s appreciation for the Bible as an adequate handbook for the human mind, and to supply the student with a functioning system for using the Bible as a counseling model.

Administrative Leadership ADL-1500

The purpose of this course is to encourage the student to identify, describe, and interpret the issues and problems that arise in managerial situations.

Biblical Truth and Worldview Conflicts BTWC-1510

This multidisciplinary apologetics course considers how our big-picture "worldview" concepts of ultimate realities, including God, the world, life, death, our own origins and destinies, and concepts of meaning and value (truth vs. falsity, right vs. wrong, good vs. bad, valuable vs. worthless) are tied to our beliefs about which information is foundationally true and reliable. Various worldview elements are examined, theistic vs. atheistic, creationist vs. evolutionary, Biblical vs. humanist, and eternal perspectives vs. temporal perspectives. Critical issues regarding cosmic and human origins are specially analyzed, based upon Scripture-provided truth (especially Genesis), including the age of the earth, the original and renewed Dominion Mandate, and the laws of life and death. The crucial and unique authority of the Holy Bible is emphasized.


MHA 5001 Health Care Financial Management

Description: Focuses on various aspects of financial management, including theory, terminology, and finance techniques used in healthcare organizations. An emphasis is placed on external financial options, cost accounting, and how change and innovation drive the organization. Students will learn how to use financial data to make decisions in strategic planning regarding the organization's short-term and long-term future.

MHA 5101 Legal Foundations of Health Care

Description: Provides an analysis of the legal aspects of healthcare delivery and the impact on healthcare institutions. Students examine tort law, professional liability, cost controls, liability insurance, antitrust, and healthcare access.

MHA 5201 Health Resources and Policy Analysis

Description: Analyzes public policies impacting healthcare programs, services, organizations, and program accessibility to citizens. Explores health policy generation, legislation, and implementation.

MHA 6501 Advanced Health Care Management

Description: Explores administrative practice in health care with emphasis on long-term and acute care services. Topics include healthcare structures and systems, managerial processes, operations, planning, marketing, human resources, finance, productivity and control, and the emerging trends in health services.

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