Designed for individuals with an already solid Bible background who desire to deepen their
understanding of the broader theological, and doctrinal issues facing the church today.
Orientation MOR
Biblical Apologetics BA-501
Church History CH-501
Advanced Old Testament I AOT-501
Systematic Theology I ST-501
Advanced New Testament I ANT-501
Systematic Theology II ST-502
Spiritual Warfare SW-501
The Philosophical Problem of Evil PPOE-1510
Ethics for Christian Leaders - An Introduction - ECLI-1510
Your Choice Approved Elective
Bible Mastery BM-501
See course descriptions below.
Core Course Descriptions
Orientation OR-MA
The purpose of this course is to help ensure that the student will begin his or her study program at Master’s with the basic information needed to move successfully toward graduation. For this reason, this course is mandatory of all new students.
Biblical Apologetics BA-501
The purpose of this course is to develop the student’s understanding of the requisite issues in the study of Apologetics; to enable the student to identify key terms and describe essential issues of Apologetics and to apply Apologetic methodology to contemporary challenges; to offer the student the opportunity to explore significant challenges to the Christian faith and apologetic responses to those challenges; to examine and analyze the competing truth claims of rival world views.
Church History CH-501
The purpose of this course is to expose the student to an advanced survey of Church History from the time of the Resurrection to the Present Age, and to enable the student to recognize and identify important Political and Church Leaders who had a major impact on the development and life of the Church.
Advanced Old Testament I AOT-501
This course will lead the student to carefully examine the various interpretive options in Old Testament studies from the Book of Genesis through the Song of Solomon; to relate critically his/her own commitment to Scripture in light of those options; to demonstrate a coherent understanding of the Old Testament that reflects the student’s ability to analyze character studies, historical development, and sound interpretation of the text.
Systematic Theology I ST-501
This advanced level course presents the student with the fundamental issues of Systematic Theology and how these relate to the Bible as a foundation source.
Advanced New Testament ANT-501
This course will lead the student to carefully examine the various interpretive options in the New Testament study of the Gospels and Acts of the Apostles; to relate critically his/her own commitment to Scripture in light of those options; to demonstrate a coherent understanding that reflects the student’s ability to analyze and integrate character studies, historical development, and sound interpretation of the text.
Systematic Theology II ST-502
This advanced level course presents the student with specific issues of Systematic Theology as they relate to God and the creation.
Spiritual Warfare SW-501
This course will establish for the student a genuinely biblical study of spiritual warfare within the context of the Christian life so that he or she acquire a basic and introductory knowledge regarding the nature of spiritual warfare, and identify and describe strategies for overcoming the enemy, and to develop the student’s ability to summarize the nature of spiritual warfare and evaluate various strategies for overcoming the enemy.
Roots and Origins of American Law AL-501
The purpose of this course is to document that America’s historical record is replete with evidence that the Ten Commandments have directly and indirectly influenced America’s founders, leaders, system of government and legal code.
Bible Mastery BM-501
This course will provide the master’s level student with an opportunity to demonstrate a personal comprehension of the Bible as a continuum from the creation of the current heavens and earth to its recreation in perfection and righteousness.
Approved Elective Course Descriptions
Faith and Understanding: An Introduction to Language and Theology ILT-1510
The purpose is to introduce the student to theological thinking with special reference to global theological thought. Further, the purpose will be to examine influences on what we consider ‘our’ theology in relation to historical theological thinking, and to our current globalized Christianity.
New Testament Theology NTH-1510
The purpose of this course is to expose the student to the study of New Testament theology; to enable the student to master issues related to New Testament theology, and to deepen the student understands of the distinctive theological character of individual New Testament writings and of the New Testament as a whole; to apply that knowledge in the student's ministry.
Biblical Truth and Worldview Conflicts BTWC-1510
Course Purpose: This multidisciplinary apologetics course considers how our big-picture "worldview" concepts of ultimate realities, including God, the world, life, death, our own origins and destinies, and concepts of meaning and value (truth vs. falsity, right vs. wrong, good vs. bad, valuable vs. worthless) are tied to our beliefs about which information is foundationally true and reliable. Various worldview elements are examined, theistic vs. atheistic, creationist vs. evolutionary, Biblical vs. humanist, and eternal perspectives vs. temporal perspectives. Critical issues regarding cosmic and human origins are specially analyzed, based upon Scripture-provided truth (especially Genesis), including the age of the earth, the original and renewed Dominion Mandate, and the laws of life and death. The crucial and unique authority of the Holy Bible is emphasized.
Old Testament Theology OTH-1510
The purpose of this course is to expose the doctoral student to the study of Old Testament theology; to enable the student to master issues related to Old Testament theology, and to deepen the student’s understanding of the distinctive theological character of individual Old Testament writings and of the Old Testament as a whole; to apply that knowledge in the student's ministry.
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