
Master's Theological Institute

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Life-Issues Certificate Program

Life-Issues Administrative & Course Contributors

An MTI Certificate Can be Completed in Months not Years!

Master's Theological Institute recommendation

I have to express my gratitude for the certificate programs available through Master’s Theological Institute. I am retired from a career in higher education, and had fully expected to pursue another master’s degree in my retirement focused on theology. 

However, I found myself bored with coursework in which I wasn’t interested, but drawn to in-depth Bible study. Someone told me about Master’s Theological Institute and the certificate programs, and they were exactly what I was seeking. I have completed the Advanced Theological Studies Certificates in the Old Testament, New Testament, Biblical Studies and Christian Apologetics, and have thoroughly enjoyed each one. 

My knowledge of the Holy Scripture has grown richer and deeper. I have truly appreciated the honest and knowledgeable feedback throughout the coursework, and I cannot recommend these programs highly enough. If anyone is seeking solid Bible study programs, the certificate programs offered by Master’s Theological Institute are the best I’ve seen, and they receive my highest recommendation.

Yours in Christ,

Cynthia Hamilton


ENROLLMENT REQUIREMENTS are minimal. You must have a valid email address, and access to the Internet. There are no previous education requirements. If English is not your first language, you must possess adequate reading and writing skills in the English language. Following enrollment, you will be given your own Student Program page. Your Student Program page contains all course links and study materials. A few online textbooks may be required in some programs, but these are few, and the cost minimal. Full student services are provided. There is no time requirement, so you can study at your own pace.

TOTAL PROGRAM COST is only $550 ($600 for students outside the U.S. and Canada) can be paid in full when you begin or you may elect to pay it in three installments. The first installment of $300 ($350 for students outside the U.S. and Canada) is due upon enrollment. The second installment of $125 is due at the time of the self-paced open-book final exam. The final installment of $125 is due following the completion of the final exam. After the final payment is made, the Advanced Certificate in Theological Studies is awarded, and an official transcript provided.

YOU CAN ENROLL NOW if you have an email address, access to the Internet, and can read and write English reasonably well. You do not need to go through an additional admissions process. We will be in contact with you shortly after you complete the Enrollment process, which requires payment of at least the $300 first installment ($350 for students outside the U.S. and Canada). You will then be able to begin your studies right away.

Refund policy - The program cost is refundable based on the enrollment start date, and the refund percentages listed below. Any refund due will be issued to the student within 30 calendar days. Request for a refund of the program cost must be made by at least one of these methods: 

    Postal Mail to: MASTER'S UNIVERSITY

    520 Kimber, Box102, Evansville, IN 47715

    Email to:

    Fax to: (812) 471-0877

    Official Student Contact Form:

Timeframe Percentage Returned to the Student

1st Week 80%

2nd Week 60%

3rd Week 40%

4th Week 20%

5th Week 0%

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