Start with what you have, and build toward a 4 year Bible College degree.
Begin With # 1 or Possibly Higher, and Move Up to # 4. Save Time & Tuition Along the Way!
Whether you have none, some or a lot of college and other learning credits, we have a path for you to earn up to four college level credentials, and save hundreds of hours of study, and thousands of dollars in tuition costs!
Review the next steps to learn how you may be able to earn up to four college level credentials in one complete undergraduate ministry empowering program only at Master's.
It's never too late to finish what you started, and we would like to help you start right away!
Begin With What You Have Already Earned. We Will Help You Add Up All Previously Earned Credits
It may have been a long time since you were in college. You may have even forgotten how many credits you earned. We can help with that. As long as you received at least a grade of "C" no matter the subject or how long ago, we can show you how to take maximum advantage of the college credits you worked so hard to acquire.
Did you take military, industry, other ministry or business training? If so, you will be able to take full advantage of the learning that you worked so hard to complete. It all adds up, and that will help a lot.
We know how to help you build on what you have already learned!
#1 the Diploma of Divinity 1 Year Certificate
You can use up to 20 transfer credits leaving only 12 credits to be earned selected from the courses below. Or, if you have no credits, you can begin by earning your first College of the Bible credential.
Orientation MOR (2 credits)
Old Testament Introduction OT-101 (3 credits)
New Testament Introduction NT-101 (3 credits)
Overview of Genesis GN-101 (3 credits)
Overview of Psalms PS-101 (3 credits)
Introduction to the Gospels GP-101 (3 credits)
Survey of the Acts of the Apostles AA-101 (3 credits)
Survey of the Book of Revelation RV-101 (3 credits)
Summary of the Doctrine of the Trinity TR-101 (3 credits)
Summary of the Doctrine of Sin SN-101 (3 credits)
Summary of the Doctrine of Salvation SL-101 (3 credits)
TOTAL DIP.DIV. CREDITS - Minimum 12, Maximum 32
#2 the Associate of Divinity 2 Year Degree
Transfer up the Diploma of Divinity, or 32 or more other credits, and up to 9 portfolio credits (we will help you document these), leaving as few as 18 credits to be earned from the courses below. You will have earned your second College of the Bible credential.
Orientation (2 credits)
Old Testament Survey OT-201(3 credits)
New Testament Survey NT-201 (3 credits)
Evidences for Biblical Inspiration BI-201 (3 credits)
Introduction to Biblical Research and Writing RW-201 (3 credits)
Fundamentals of Spiritual Warfare SW-201 (3 credits)
Introduction to Major Prophets MP-201 (3 credits)
Introduction to Romans RM-201 (3 credits)
Introduction to New Testament Theology NTH-201 (3 credits)
Introduction to General Epistles GE-201 (3 credits)
Understanding Biblical Creation BC-201 (3 credits)
TOTAL A.DIV. DEGREE CREDITS - Minimum 18, Maximum 32
#3 the Graduate of Theology 3 Year Degree
Transfer up the A.Div. Degree, or 62 or more transfer credits and up to 10 portfolio credits (we will help you document these), leaving as few as 18 credits to be earned from the courses below. You will have earned your third College of the Bible credential.
Orientation (2 credits)
Apologetics AP-401 (3 credits)
Biblical Role and Function of the Pastor FP-401 (3 credits)
Introduction to Critical Inquiry CI-401 (3 credits)
Principles of Administration POA-401 (3 credits)
Role and Function of a Healthy, Healing Church HC-401 (3 credits)
Summary of Hebrews HB-301 (3 credits)
Developing Pastoral Skills PS-401(3 credits)
Comparative Beliefs CB-1500 (3 credits)
Christian History of the United States CH-401 (3 credits)
Biblical Prophecy BP-401 (3 credits)
TOTAL TH.G. DEGREE CREDITS - Minimum 18, Maximum 32
#4 the Bachelor of Divinity 4 Year Degree
Transfer up the Th.G. Degree, or 92 other credits and up to 12 portfolio credits (we will help you document these), leaving as few as 18 credits to be earned from the courses below. You will have earned your fourth and final College of the Bible credential, and saved hunderds of hours of study and potentially thousands of tuition dollars along the way!
Orientation MOR (2 credits)
Biblical Research & Writing RW-401 (3 credits)
The Philosophical Problem of Evil PPOE-1510 (3 credits)
Ethics for Christian Leaders ECLI-1510 (3 credits)
Your Choice Elective (3 credits)
Your Choice Elective (3 credits)
Your Choice Elective (3 credits)
Your Choice Elective (3 credits)
Your Choice Elective (3 credits)
Metrics for Biblical Research & Writing MRW 413 (6 credits)
TOTAL B.DIV. DEGREE CREDITS - Minimum 18, Maximum 32
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