Total of 44 Credits
Orientation - MOR - 2 credits
Doctor of Theology Component 1 - THD-701 - 10 credits
This component will provide the student with an opportunity to present the Old Testament as a series of pictures which represent a continuous scene from the initial creation of the current heavens and earth to the return of the exiles to the Land of Israel; and in so doing, capture, comprehend, and apply the foundational components from which contemporary theology has derived.
Doctor of Theology Component 2 - THD-702 - 10 credits
This component will provide the student with an opportunity to present the New Testament as a series of pictures which represent a continuous scene from the Incarnation to return of Christ to earth and the subsequent new order of the universe; and in so doing, capture, comprehend, and apply the foundational components from which contemporary theology has derived.
Doctor of Theology Component 3 - THD-703 - 10 credits
This Doctor of Theology Component presents the student with an opportunity to demonstrate comprehension and general mastery of the foundational components of Systematic Theology and how these relate to the Bible as a first-source.
Furthermore, this Component will allow the student to document a balanced understanding of the study of Christian doctrine within a coherent framework; will enable the student to identify and describe key doctrinal issues that unite or divide the Church; and also document that knowledge in the context of the student's current theological persuasion.
Doctor of Theology Component 4 - THD-DIS-700 - 12 credits
This is the dissertation component, and requires a preparatory research and writing segment that is designed to prepare the student to produce a high quality and publishable dissertation.
The Four Program Components are designed to be relevant to the current Theological diversity that Christian leaders confront within the framework of contemporary Christianity. While the core is totally Biblical, the unique dissertation option represents a new and refreshing method of personalizing the area of research.