DBS in Biblical Exposition


Ideal for Pastors, Senior Ministers, Preaching Ministers,
Campus Ministers, and Evangelists

This doctoral program in Biblical Exposition is designed to strengthen the minister in the ability to “preach the Word; be ready in season and out of season; reprove, rebuke, exhort, with great patience and instruction” (II Timothy 4:2). The seasoned preacher and the youthful minister alike will find this program Rock-solid
(I Corinthians 10:4).

Program Curriculum

Online Orientation MOR

Evidence for Biblical Inerrancy EBI-1501 

Biblical Preaching and Personal Holiness BP-501 

Readings in Biblical Preaching BPR-701 

Readings in Biblical Preaching BPR-702 

Hebrew Word Studies for the Pastor HWS-1500 

Greek Word Studies for the Pastor GWS-1500 

Communication for Growth II CG-501 

Ministry Practicum for Doctoral Students DMP-700 


laptop divinity school request information picture

Biblical preaching and teaching that faithfully follows the expositional method requires a total commitment to Biblical inerrancy. The results of expository preaching and teaching are that the people are tuned into the Word of God, not the opinions of mortals. When the Bible speaks through the minister (rather than the minister speaking through the Bible), both the minister and laity are enriched, and empowered by the Spirit of Truth.

Entrance Requirements (one of the following):


  • An acceptable master's degree of at least 30 hours in a Bible related discipline.
  • Applicants holding an acceptable master's degree of at least 30 hours that is not in a Bible related discipline, may be considered for admission providing they meet one of the following:
    a. Have earned an acceptable bachelor's degree in a Bible related discipline in addition to the unrelated master's degree.
    b. Have served at least ten (10) years in a Christian ministry role such as pastor, teaching minister, missionary, Christian school teacher, chaplain, or a similar field of Christian service in addition to having earned an acceptable unrelated master's degree.


Course Descriptions

Orientation OR-DO

The purpose of this course is to help ensure that the student will begin his or her study program at Master’s with the basic information needed to move successfully toward graduation. For this reason, this course is mandatory of all new students.

Evidence for Biblical Inerrancy EBI-1501

The purpose of this course is too provide the graduate student with an opportunity to examine the internal evidences for the validity of the Bible as its own source of confirmation of Divine inspiration, and to challenge the student to analyze these internal evidences critically and competently.

Biblical Preaching and Personal Holiness BP-501

This course focuses on how preaching is effective in leading Christians toward maturity. Messages on Christian growth and sanctification will be modeled, and there will be instructional elements dealing especially with the dynamics of preaching in the local church.

Readings In Biblical Preaching BPR-701

This course is a reading exercise designed to acquaint the doctoral student with a broader understanding of the essentials of Biblical Preaching.

Readings in Biblical Preaching / BPR-702 

This course is a reading exercise designed to acquaint the doctoral student with a broader understanding of the essentials of Biblical exposition.

Hebrew Word Studies for the Pastor / HWS-1500

The purpose of this courses is to the Doctoral student an experiential technique for Old Testament study based upon the original words of the scriptural text within the cultural setting of the various authors with realization that these words were chosen by the Holy Spirit to communicate the truth of God to the mind of man; thus each word has the stamp of God's authority and must be interpreted correctly. 

Greek Word Studies for the Pastor / GWS-1500

The purpose of this courses is to provide the Doctoral student an experiential technique for New Testament study based upon the original words of the scriptural text within the cultural setting of the various authors with realization that these words were chosen by the Holy Spirit to communicate the truth of God to the mind of man; thus each word has the stamp of God's authority and must be interpreted correctly. 

Communication for Growth II CG-501

The purpose of this course is to present to the student a biblically-based model of pulpit communication; to bring the student to a higher level of understanding concerning the foundational elements of effective New Testament preaching and teaching.

Ministry Practicum DMP-700

The Ministry Practicum presents the doctoral student with an opportunity to develop a comprehensive ministry project consistent with the student’s major area of concentration, and congruent to the ministry setting in which the student currently serves.

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